all about love.

have you been betrayed?
feeling worse than I?
I bet you haven't
I'm standing first in line
waiting for an answer

who would you call in the middle of the night?
is it your best friend?
who should I trust?
is love for me?
why is it always me?

it's all about love
every little step of the way
we are nothing without love
there is nothing more to say
we are nothing without love

you can't take it away
we all need love
no matter what you say

it's all about love
people get hurt
but peolpe will always love
some one has to take the pain
rise up and realise
that we all need love

it's all about love
every little step of the way
we are nothing without love
there is nothing more to say
I have finally realised
that we all need love
every little step of the way



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